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Entries in Dallas (2)


Dallas, Ep. 2

Click to listen to LDM Dallas, Ep. 2 on iTunes!

April 9, 2015 — An event five years in the make, Literary Death Match returned to glorious Dallas, where we teamed with the masterminds at Deep Vellum for a night at The Texas Theatre that saw Merritt Tierce outduel Joaquin Zihuatanejo in a Lone Star Lit finale to win Tierce the LDM Dallas, Ep. 2 crown. 

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Dallas, Ep. 1

January 15, 2010—The Literary Death Match’s love affair with Texas began with Austin, Ep. 1 (in a church, on Halloween), and continued in a big way with the series debut at the Dallas Museum of Art. Following four brilliant readings, and sharp-witted judging that set hair aflame, the night ended with Dallas' own Will Clarke capturing the LDM title over Houston's Katherine Center by hitting literary wide receivers Sandra Cisneros, Rick Bass and Larry McMurtry in consecutive fashion before launching the final touchdown pass into Miles Austin's chest to win the Tony Romo v. Troy Aikman Fling-the-Foamskin finale.  


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