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Entries in Kevin Barry (2)


NYC, Ep. 45

April 30, 2014 — In a wild show of international awesome, Literary Death Match turned the cruelest month on its head, at  The Breslin Bar and Dining Room at the Ace Hotel. Teamed with Pen World Voices Festival, the night finished with Saeed Jones narrowly beating Alona Kimhi in our Literary Spelling Bee II finale by one point to win Jones the LDM NYC, Ep. 45 crown.

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Miami, Ep. 5

November 22, 2013 — In a bookish guns-blazing return to steamy Miami, Literary Death Match teamed with Miami Book Fair Internationa and Bookleggers for a knockdown lit-out night at Bardot that ended with Lauren Oliver outdueling co-finalist Kevin Barry in a wild game of Lone Star Lit by a final score of 55-40, to win Oliver the LDM Miami, Ep. 5 crown. 

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