Salt Lake City, Ep. 6

October 16, 2018 — In our annual drop-in to wondrous Salt Lake City, Literary Death Match once again teamed with the brilliant Utah Humanities Book Festival for a night of words, wit and weird that saw Ryan Jones defeat Brian Laidlaw in a down-to-the-wire Arithme-Lit finale, winning Jones the Salt Lake City, Ep. 6 crown, and literary immortality to go with it.
Here's the full lineup from the night:
Literary Merit: Kase Johnstun, founder of the LITerally podcast, author of Beyond the Grip of Craniosynostosis, and a recipient of the Gold Quill Award
Performance: Cassie Cox, recipient of the 2018 UEA Excellence in Teaching Awards as well as a Teacher of the Year Award from the 100% For Kids Credit Union Foundation
Intangibles: Abraham Smith, author of five poetry collections including Destruction of Man, Ashagalomancy and Only Jesus Could Icefish in Summer
Round 1:
* Angelika Brewer, spoken word poet and community organizer who works with troubled youth across Utah
* Ryan Jones, poet, Cave Canem Fellow, and winner of the Art Amok Grand Slam Finals, making him the 2018 Art Amok Slam Champion
Round 2:
* Yolanda J. Franklin, poet, Cave Canem and Callaloo Fellow, and a Kingsbury writing award-winner
* Brian Laidlaw, poet, songwriter, educator and author of The Mirrormaker and the book/album The Stuntman
Hosted by LDM creator Adrian Todd Zuniga (check out his debut novel Collision Theory today!)
Produced by Michael McLane
Where: Sugar Space Arts Warehouse, 132 South 800 West, Salt Lake City (map)